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A member registered Oct 07, 2017

Recent community posts

Well thank you for looking and trust me i have looked too but im starting to get worse but im still practicing 

And i was wondering if you could get discord, we could talk faster :)

Well, but the problem is i have a mac and i said that before but i was thinking like a helpful tip video maybe showing strategies and where to do things?

wait....... you have children? thats awesome!

Hey, sman, i was wondering and can you give me any tips on to run faster? cause i've beaten all the 10m races but i need to beat 30m, so i was wondering if you could give any tips? or Maybe a video?

It has been awhile... is the android version released

Atleast there is a android version on its way, Thank you!

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Yes, i actually would! :)

And, do you have discord?

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Jesus, lol i need a mac version to atleast to buy the game :/

Would get you 35th

(1 edit)

Lol, So will you ever make it mac compatible?

Plus, How rich?

Will you ever make the game free?